We are Haringey Children's Academy
Haringey Children's Academy is committed to transforming the services provided to children, young people, and their families in Haringey. For Haringey to be a safe place where people want to live, work, and raise their children, important organisational and cultural changes are required. We believe that the whole system approach, which ensures that all those employed to work with children, young people and the families in Haringey are knowledgeable, skilled, reflective, emotionally literate, and resilient, is the way forward to effect change and bring about exceptional outcomes for children.
We recognise that the workforce is our most valuable asset and we strive to attract, develop and retain skilled individuals to Haringey who are proud to work for and with our children and families, by creating the right environment for them to be able to:
- Develop their skills and abilities
- Develop their career
- Be well supported by their managers and senior managers in undertaking this work.
- Be their best professional selves to help children thrive and achieve
- To provide the right learning environment for staff to nurture their professional development and growth, and provide them with opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge to become more proficient
- To upskill staff and enable them to develop specialist knowledge or move into practice education, mentoring or management
- To achieve a culture of effective collaboration and “learning together” and acquire a common language
- To alleviate retention and recruitment difficulties for organisations in Haringey
- To help staff feel valued, and well supported through enhanced supervisory practice and in doing so, grow their resilience
- To enable the use of performance and quality assurance date to measure impact, evaluate and shape service delivery
- To promote equality and diversity
- To ensure the participation of children, young people and families in everything we do
We have developed a strong and dynamic governance structure led by a Strategic Board, the Health and Well Being Strategy Board, chaired by Ann Graham, Director of Children's services. A performance report of the Haringey Children’s Academy will be presented to this Board twice yearly.
We have also established an Operational Board chaired by Professor Christine Cocker, an independent chair, who is a Professor of Social Work at the University of East Anglia. This appointment has been made to ensure that the social work/care education and learning/development needs are joined up and aligned to wider services and priorities.
HCA end of year reports
> Haringey Safeguarding Children Partnership +
Safeguarding children and young people is everyone's responsibility
Child abuse is when anyone under the age of 18 is either being harmed or not properly looked after. There are four main categories of child abuse: physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect.
The Haringey safeguarding children partnership is a partnership of all the different organisations working to protect children and young people across the local authority. This website https://haringeyscp.org.uk/ brings together information for children, young people and their families and the professionals who work with them.
> Metropolitan Police Haringey +
The police are one of the three statutory safeguarding partners. They have specialist trained police officers and staff to assist other organisations and agencies to carry out their responsibilities where there are concerns about the child’s welfare, whether or not a crime has been committed.
The police have a primary responsibility to protect life, prevent crime and bring offenders to justice. The protection of the most vulnerable people in society is a core policing value. All police officers and staff have a statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
If police discover or are made aware of information about children who may be suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm, as well as those who cause such harm, they should always share this information with other organisations and agencies where this is necessary to protect children. Similarly, they can expect other organisations and agencies to share information to enable the police to carry out their duties.
To find further information about the Met Police, click on the link https://www.met.police.uk/
General advise about safeguarding children - https://www.met.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/caa/child-abuse/
Find out what’s happening in your neighbourhood using your postcode - https://www.met.police.uk/a/your-area/
With a focus on Haringey - https://news.met.police.uk/tag/haringey/news
> North Central London CCG +
NCL CCG aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people in North Central London by commissioning the best health and care services for residents of Haringey, Barnet, Camden, Enfield and Islington.
The CCG is a membership organisation, representing the 203 GP practices across North Central London, who elect clinical and practice members to the Governing Body. As required by our constitution, the Governing Body also includes lay members, a registered nurse, a secondary care doctor and CCG executives. So many members are healthcare professionals dealing with the day-to-day health and care needs of North Central London residents. They play a key role in the CCG’s decision-making.
North Central London CCG (Haringey Directorate) works with our statutory partners to promote the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable adults and children who may be at risk of being abused, neglected or exploited, and to safeguard them from harm
> Haringey Schools and Learning Service +
Haringey Schools and Learning Service provides a range of statutory and traded services to support the education of children, young people and their families in the borough. It is part of the Children’s Services Directorate within the Council and works closely with all types of schools and settings in the borough. More information about the services we provide can be found on our website - https://www.haringey.gov.uk/children-and-families/schools-and-education
Our aim is to improve the life chances of every child, young person and learner in Haringey. In line with the Haringey Borough Plan we want to ensure that all children have the best start in life and will be happy and healthy as they grow up, feeling safe and secure in their family, networks and communities. We aim to provide the best possible support for our schools and setting, our children, young people and families and encourage and challenge all Haringey schools and setting, individually and collectively, to develop or sustain exceptional education for all our young people.
With our school exam results consistently improving year on year, and every one of our Secondary schools now rated Good or Outstanding, Haringey is becoming well known as a really dynamic force for school improvement and in the top quartile when ranked against all local authorities in England. We work closely in partnership with the Haringey Education Partnership which is a not-for-profit schools company established to ensure all of our schools’ children and young people have the very best learning opportunities and are ready to thrive in a rapidly changing educational environment.
Our main objectives are:
- Increase the number of Haringey schools that are rated as outstanding including those serving our most deprived wards – whilst ensuring that 100% remain outstanding or good.
- Support all schools to develop a model of quality and excellence through the Haringey Education Partnership (HEP)
- Work with schools to support children in education through positive, clear, achievable and goals which respond to individual stories and circumstances.
- Increase the number of schools achieving the Healthy Schools Award
Haringey Schools and Learning is ambitious to support schools and work closely with them to ensure they continue to improve whilst increasing their resilience in a changing educational environment.
> Haringey Early help and prevention +
Haringey’s Early Help strategy brings together our partnership response to support children, young people and their families using a 'team around the child and family' approach. Our strategy has been informed by what our children, young people and families tell us, what our performance data tells us and our quality assurance activity.
This strategy reflects our priorities, clearly setting out the outcomes we expect to achieve as a result. Within this strategy, you will see a fantastic and true reflection of how partners are delivering early help services and creating transformation and sustainable change.
To find out more, you can read the strategy here: Haringey Early Help Strategy 2021-2023
Our vision is of a Haringey where strong families, strong networks and strong communities nurture all residents to live well and achieve their potential. We do things the 'Haringey way', which means:
- our behaviours reflect our values
- we have a strength-based approach
- relationships are the intervention
Through our ‘Well Being Assessment Model’ we work with our partners, using a 'multi-agency team around the family' approach, with children and young people at the centre and an identified lead practitioner. Refer to the 9 step early help process here: Haringey Well Being Assessment Model
For any enquiries, please email us at Workforce.DevelopmentAcademy@haringey.gov.uk