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Haringey Children's Academy

Our five faculties

Faculty 1:  Education and Learning Pathway 

This first faculty relates to student placements, will manage our “grow your own” programmes as well as oversee the development of our newly qualified social workers and overseas workers. It will work closely with our partner universities and associated social work academics to help ensure that the social work curricula is relevant and that it prepares students for the realities of front-line practice. 

Faculty 2: Career Pathways and Professional Development 

This faculty is concerned with developing a career pathway for our social workers and key workers. It includes the development of a comprehensive continuous professional development (CPD) offer for our staff to grow and become proficient at what they do. The faculty will also oversee the national assessment and accreditation system (NAAS) for children and family practitioners and practice supervisors. It will help prepare social workers for an employer's endorsement and the assessment itself.

Faculty 3:  Management and leadership 

This faculty will focus on providing leadership development opportunities for all managers and prospective managers to form a robust succession plan. Managers (and aspiring managers) at all levels will be supported in their role through having access to a social work leadership programme to help them advance their supervisory and critical reflective skills. The faculty will stimulate “daring leadership” behaviours (curious, empathetic, bold and brave)

Faculty 4:  Organisational resilience, health, and wellbeing 


Workforce Wellbeing Strategy 2022 – 2026

This faculty will work to foster a healthy work-life balance among the workforce and develop interventions to encourage self-care and wellbeing strategies. It aims to create a work environment where practitioners feel safe, are emotionally literate and able to talk about the emotional impact of the work on them. This faculty will also create a forum to celebrate accomplishments across the partnership, as well showcase best practice. 

Keeping Well North Central London is a staff mental health and wellbeing initiative that seeks to connect and support the North Central London health and social care workforce. It is one of a number of Psychological Resilience Hubs set up nationally by NHS England as a response to the pandemic. The hub provides support to all health and social care staff who live or work in Camden, Islington, Barnet, Enfield and Haringey.

Looking after your mental health - helpful tips and advice

Faculty 5: Prevention and early intervention 

This faculty will concentrate on exploring what works in relation to working with children and families who are living in challenging circumstances, to provide a safe, loving, and nurturing environment. It is particularly interested in evidence informed practice in relation to prevention and early help, offering training and mentoring on various interventions to assist professionals and volunteers working with parents to help them develop their capacity for mentalisation, self-emotional regulation, empathy and self-compassion, reduce parental conflict, model positive parenting and non-violent ways of problem solving.