Police complaints training by Stop Watch
To educate frontline service providers on police powers and how to hold police accountable for their use by providing training and resources on police powers, the police complaints process and other legal remedies.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the training, attendees should:
• Understand police powers
• Understand the remedies available to hold police to account
• Be able to empower service users to make an effective complaint
Training outline
The training is half a day (3 hours), split into three sessions:
Session 1: Police powers
• Stop and account
• Stop and search
• Traffic stops
• Arrest
• Use of force
Session 2: Holding police accountable
• Police complaints
• Legal claims
Session 3: Making a complaint
• Practical training on how to make a complaint using real life case studies
They also provide resources for attendees to take away and refer to going forward. The intention is that these resources will provide a knowledge base for all professionals supporting service users even if they have been unable to attend the training.
The training is usually delivered on Teams, and we make use of breakout rooms to facilitate the practical elements and discussions. If you feel your organisation would benefit more from in-person training, we can discuss this.
There are currently no dates for this event.