HSCP DVA Awareness Workshop

Aims & Objectives:

Topics covered:

how we understand DVA informs how we identify and respond to it; the need to broaden our definitional understanding of DVA in order to accommodate a broader range of victim-survivors and recognise a broader range of perpetrators (who gets left out and overlooked in the dominant story told re. DVA).

Coercive Control

the importance of recognising the significance and function of coercive control; abandoning the notion that DVA is always, or needs to be, physical in order to be recognised

Research on interventions for responding to DVA

the importance of listening to victim-survivors, prioritising their safety (and that of any child(ren), and holding perpetrators of DVA to account

Target Audience: Multi-agency including children’s social care, early help, education, school nurses, police, designated safeguarding leads

There are currently no dates for this event.