HCA- Working with children who display harmful sexual behaviour (12 year and under)

Who is this for?
This training has been developed for safeguarding professionals and those
who work directly with children who display harmful sexual behaviour [HSB].
This training is specifically related to pre-adolescent children.
When & Where
This training is comprised of 2 half-days (you must attend both days).
Both days will take place online.
The training sessions will be held over 2 days:
- Part 1- 3rd of October 2023, 10:00-13:00
- Part 2- 5th of October 2023, 10:00-13:00
- Key messages from research
- Sexual development in childhood
- Understanding and identifying harmful sexual behaviour in children
- Understanding technology assisted HSB and the risks presented online
- Examining the role of trauma, attachment and shame within HSB
- Managing and responding to HSB, including safety planning
- Working collaboratively with families and the network around the child
Learning Outcomes:
- Greater confidence in recognising HSB in pre-adolescent children and common factors which may contribute to HSB
- Understanding the scale of the problem in line with the current research base
- Greater awareness of the issues related to the stigmatization of children who have displayed HSB and the importance of language
- An improved understanding of the needs of children who display HSB and appropriate professional responses
- Increased understanding of denial and its function for children and families
- Improved confidence in safety planning
- Understanding best practice in interventions for children displaying HSB
- Confidence in working collaboratively with the network around the child
You will be charged £75 for a no show of this commissioned training.
There are currently no dates for this event.