HCA Parental Mental Health Training
Course Duration: 2-day course (you must attend on both days) on 23 and 24 of February 2025
Course Delivery: Virtual via Teams
Facilitated Marcia Rice: BA(Hons),MSc, MPhil, CQSW
Day 1: Introduction to Parental Mental Health
Day 2: Impact on Parenting Capacity and Children’s Development
Day 1- Parental Mental Illness; Impact on Parents and Carers
Course Aims:
- To increase the awareness and prevalence of different types of mental disorders experienced by parents and carers
- To different types of mental disorders are how they are manifested in parents and the impact on children and young people.
The teaching will examine the cultural, social, emotional and spiritual dimensions of mental health disorders affecting parents and children
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of 'day 1' participants will be able to;
- Understand common experiences and signs of emotional distress and mental illness amongst parents
- Identifying triggers to emotional distress; physical illness, trauma and conflicts affecting parents and children
- To examine the impact of the Covid-pandemic of parental mental distress and toxic trio co-morbidities
- Discussing the prevalence and impact of depression and other mental disorders including personality disorders and other dual diagnoses
- Discussing the impact of mental illness on a child and young person’s cognitive, emotional and social development.
To understand the role of culture, ethnicity, spirituality and gender in the presentation of parental mental illness and impact on children.
- To explore how parental capacity is affected by parental mental illness
- Recognize and assess the impact of disproportionate mental disorders amongst parents from black and minority ethnic communities
- Examine approached to breaking the generational cycle of trauma, self-harm and distress using the THRIVE model
- Using local CSPR and case reviews in group work case study analyses to explore risks associated with parental mental ill health and strategies to improve safeguarding and positive wellbeing outcomes.
- Identifying the dynamics and risks associated with working with parents who live with recurring and serious mental distress
- Identifying effective policies and strategies that can be implemented across disciplines and agencies to improve services to children and families affected by parental mental illness and improving safeguarding concerns
- Exploring local and other holistic interventions for parents, children affected by mental health issues in a multi-agency and across disciplines in health and social care.
Day 2 - Impact of Parental Mental Distress and Impact on Children’s Development and Well-being
- To develop awareness of how parental mental distress can have an impact on children’s developmental progress from infancy to adolescents
- Identify strategies for gaining a holistic assessment of children’s needs, and resources for minimising the impact on them
- Along with the previous introductory module, this 2 day session will underpin the remainder of the programme
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of 'day 2' participants will have:
- Identified the potential impact of different types of parental mental illness on a child and young person’s cognitive, emotional and social development
- Examine the elements in the cognitive and neurological development and mental health in children, including recent research
- To examine the different risk factors affecting children and young people in different age cohorts who have been exposed to parental mental distress including parents with personality disorders ,substance misuse and other comorbidities
- Developed their practical skills in carrying out direct work with children in order to gain a more accurate view of their lived experience and needs
- Using the THRIVE model to explore the relevant Triggers, Hazards, Risks, Impulsivity, Vulnerabilities and Engagement barriers to improve children’s wellbeing.
- Using case studies from CPRS and rapid reviews involving parental mental illness to facilitate practice learning and recommendations improve children’s safeguarding
- Identified working strategies that can be implemented across disciplines and agencies to improve services to children and families affected by parental mental illness
- Examine local services and other relevant therapeutic and holistic interventions for parental mental health and children’s wellbeing programmes.
April 2025
Date |
Time |
Duration |
Location |
Places Available |
23/04/2025 |
09:30-15:30 |
2 Days |
Online |
17 |
Book |