HCA Parental Mental Health Training

Course Duration: 2-day course (you must attend on both days) on 23 and 24 of April 2025

Course Delivery: Virtual via Teams

Facilitated Marcia Rice: BA(Hons),MSc, MPhil, CQSW

Day 1: Introduction to Parental Mental Health
Day 2:
Impact on Parenting Capacity and Children’s Development

Day 1- Parental Mental Illness; Impact on Parents and Carers

Course Aims:

The teaching will examine the cultural, social, emotional and spiritual dimensions of mental health disorders affecting parents and children

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of 'day 1' participants will be able to;

To understand the role of culture, ethnicity, spirituality and gender in the presentation of parental mental illness and impact on children.


Day 2 - Impact of Parental Mental Distress and Impact on Children’s Development and Well-being


  1. To develop awareness of how parental mental distress can have an impact on children’s developmental progress from infancy to adolescents
  2. Identify strategies for gaining a holistic assessment of children’s needs, and resources for minimising the impact on them
  3. Along with the previous introductory  module, this 2 day session will underpin the remainder of the programme

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of 'day 2' participants will have:




April 2025

Date Time Duration Location Places Available  
23/04/2025 09:30-15:30 2 Days Online 8 Book